thx a lot for ur entry in my life,i never feel diz such feeling after long ago..
like i said juz b4, nobody can knock my heart after my 1st break up, but, only one guy dat i knew since matrix can break my door..tapi...dat guy already in relation wif sum1 i also,forget about him and he never been in my life anymore.

a bunch of thx to you dear,
dh lame sgt..i dont have diz situation, which is my hp alwayz in my hand,waiting for ur msg and call..bcoz b4 diz,i'll let my hp abandoned on my desk wherever i go, hp is not my priority.
u r so different than my ex ex..much matured (even suke majok~^^), much taller, suare mcm raksasa, i'll call u mamee monster,haha~ xkesah la u call me dak 8 thn p0n~
bout ur past time,..i dont care, wts important,u take a deep thinking,pray for the forgiveness,cari tapak utk kamoo berdiri teguh tanpe perlu hirau angin yg dtg menyapa..the master key here is>>>awareness...keinsafan yg sebenar2nye.
about job or money...use ur thinking how to get stable,..rajin itu kuncinye (^^)
wah3.....tahniah toon(^_^)
moge bahgie slalu....ngee
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