Assalam and salam sejahtera
Entry ni khas nak cerita pengalaman
renew insurance + roadtax online via myEg. Saje nak cube sebab dengar2 lebih
murah berbanding renew dengan agent sebab agent kenakan upah. So, this is my
first time and it was seram sejuk punye experience since ada problem sikit.
Isi maklumat yg di mintak...then
klik proceed..
Dia akan beritahu kita takde policy
insurans yang baru so die suggest renew insurans, then aku klik butang buy
Keluar windows untuk renew insurans.
Ade 3 pilihan syarikat insurans, aku pilih Etiqa since last year buat dengan
Etiqa dengan agent kt FB. So, isi la maklumat die nak macam no.chasis,
no.enjin, jenis kereta etc. Pastu ade part confirm NCD, klik button confirm die
check berapa NCD kite ade, aku ade 30% NCD. Pastu die calculate lak berapa ribu
insurans kite patut ambik siap ade suggestion aku punye 24k-30k boleh cover
tapi aku ambik 23k. Then, die akan calculate berapa total semua sekali kene
bayar after kite pilih nak tambah pape x cthnye passenger liability pebende
ntah yg aku x ambik, aku just tambah insurans cermin (RM75 untuk cover RM500)
kete sbb jalan jengka ni banyak lori pastu tambah second driver (charge RM10
per name).
Total kene bayar RM748++ termasuk
GST. Bayar via Maybank2U. Receipt bayaran, Ecover note insurance die send kat
email as a bukti. So, means transaction aku dah berjaya lah.
Motor Takaful
Payment Date : 09Dec2015
Payment Mode : Maybank2u (Debit Akaun)
GST (6%) : RM 41.80 Product : MOTOR
Total Payment with
GST (6%): RM 748.46 Maybank2u
Motor Takaful
Payment Date : 09Dec2015
Payment Mode : Maybank2u (Debit Akaun)
GST (6%) : RM 41.80 Product : MOTOR
Total Payment with
GST (6%): RM 748.46 Maybank2u
Ok, pastu aku budget terus la boleh
buat roadtax. Sekali aku nk proceed bayar..
Die kate insurance kete aku cannot
be found. What???mampus. Dah tolak RM748 kot kat bank. Takkan hilang macam tu
je. Gelabah la jap. Aku call Customer service MyEG die check kate polisi
insurans aku masih yg lama, yang baru xde lg dalam database, so die suruh kite
call pihak Etiqa utk update...Call hotline Etiqa yg 1300-13-8888 tu line
customer service busy sokmo. Sekali call habis 9sen. 10x dah 90sen. Aku cube
ikhtiar pergi agent insurans berdekatan..pun xboleh tolong sebab dorang just
agent and utk renew insurans and roadtax je. Ok phm. Agent tu bagi
Etiqa branch kat Temerloh. Call...then, staff Etiqa tu check masih xde dlm
sistem, die pun tolak case aku ke hotline sebab renew online mmg hotline yg
Aku dah bergenang air mata risau
nasib RM748 aku tu...aku call bertubi2 hotline dlm hati habis topup RM10 td pun
xkisah la janji dapat balik RM748 tu. At last, Allah nak tolong dapat jugak
reach that hotline. Operator tu check2 then jumpe problem...sebab nye system x
trace aku punye renewal ialah tarikh starting polisi yg aku isi bukan tarikh
sehari selepas mati insurans lama. Nak buat macam mane aku kate, mase aku renew
kt myeg tu 4-5 kali isi tarikh mati roadtax 18 Dec tapi page tu refresh return
back tu 9 Dec (tarikh hari yg aku online) jugak. Aku give up sebab tu aku
proceed. Xtau pulak tarikh tu sensitive case.
Then, operator tu cakap xpe die
tolong tukarkan tarikh, die mintak no.fon dah settle nanti die call bgtau so
that aku boleh proceed renew roadtax (baik sangat akak operator
ni,,salute!!walaupun mybe beribu call die entertain sehari tapi tetap
Petang tu suddenly masuk inbox
'E-covernote Resit'..aik dapat email sama lagi? teng terenggg..terus assume
akak tu dah betulkan tarikh policy aku. Dengan pantas aku login MyEg try renew
roadtax, yeay...dah boleh renew...die keluar ni,
Aku tekan [click here] tu buat
transaction then, my roadtax pun renewed. Tunggu delivery je. Masa diambil
untuk delivery seperti di bawah:
Delivery charges for road tax
Delivery Charges (RM)
Service Charter
Klang Valley
within 2 working days
Peninsular Malaysia
*Town Areas
*Rural Areas
within 2-3 working
within 5 working days
Sabah &
within 5 working days
Klang Valley - Express
within 6 hours
Kalau within 2 working days x
receive roadtax boleh call no. tertera (MyEG helpdesk):
Harap pengalaman aku ni akan bagi guideline kepada sesiapa nak renew online since sebelum aku renew aku search xde sorg pun share pengalaman atau step details nak renew.(eh ade 1 blog yg same case mcm aku tapi lastly die settle kat JPJ). Ok, moga bermanfaat~~tq

wah byk terima kasih
Tak sedar tarikh begitu penting
Saya juga read ur myeg renew lesen post
Both good posts, tq for sharing
Akan bercermat in the future
Tq ya for the blog visit. Harap dapat membantu.
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