Sepanjang 2 bulan kt sini, seronok sgt2. Selain kemudahan serba lengkap oleh petronas, kwn2 adalah yg paling menyoronokkan. Kenape seronok? i think..sbb kami dari background yg berbeza2 lain sgt compare to b4 this which is my friend same stream as me. Member2 sekolah, Member2 Sc Hayat matrik, budak2 Safety UiTM..but kt sini kami ade yg dari chemical&petroleum&chem gas&mechanical engineering, HR, economy, alam sekitar, Business admin, marketing, management, record management, mass communication, marine, chemist, IT, geologist, finance, etc. See? lain gile first, i'm the only one from safety line background but then fizah (my ex-classm8 UiTM) come join us for this program.
Dont know why, kami jadi rapat sgt..hah? rase nye sbb byk aktiviti2 yg memerlukan kerjasama sepanjang 2 bulan ni membuatkan kami rapat dgn semue ke 50 partcipant skali agaknye kan. for my roomate Nanthini a/p Yanamsekaran, Nurul'Asmaasikin Ismail n Norhafizah Hashim, glad that korang pun OJT kt terengganu, cume asma je jauh sikit kt batu rakit. Tapi at least kite leh hang out lg 6 bulan together =)
OJT nnti kt Optima kerteh, some of my friends attach at Petronas Carigali. Dah tentu2 tough gile2 klu dh kate work in petronas, redha je la and take it as a challenge. After or during the attachment same ade klu perform sgt hebat n petronas berminat nk amek so akan diserap masuk, tp klu biase2 je xde ape yg buat dorg tertarik nk amek ade possibility jugak akan diambil kerja dgn company2 luar cm vendor2. Last week, ade good news dr Mama Taznima..ade company nk tau lebih lanjut pasal kami2 yg anak2 pantai timur sbb dorg nk expand their company so they want to hire us if petronas xnak kami..Mama kate, klu ade rezeki dapat lah ye...hehe.aminnnn..please hire us~
Thank You Allah give me this infiniti experiences and memories with GEES...Alhamdulillah.


ada lagi yek sweater hurup C kak lang punye dulu2 tu yek.. bagus la awk jga, simpan elok2, nostalgia tu.. terharu je bila nengok gamba2 awk ni, Alhamdullilah.. berjaya awk.. org syg awk, syahdu plak rasa.. balik la cepat wehh :((
baru training weh, bkn keje lg. kitorg saje have fun selagi together, pas ni x dah, kene campak jauh2.
salam...camne ye nk apply gees ni? thank u!
awk pegi
then, klik kat Gees kat button menu. Folloe the instruction. Tapi belum buke lagi la.Dah ramai yg tanye xjumpe cari kat dalam jobsearch, I think xkeluar sebab x open lagi. Sy baru clarify dengan orang talent sourcing yg handle Gees ni, dorang kate maybe next month (December) baru open, but dont receive any clearance from HR. So wait and see and try again. Gud Luck to all of you!
salam...nak tyer..saya dapat gees inyake january ni..habis gees ni peluang nak kerja petronas ade x??
Oh, better awk ambil la klu awk xbuat or xdpt keje mane2 lg. Untuk menjawab soalan2 yg lain juga, saya jwb kat sini. Gees ni 1 program yg bagus utk tambah ilmu, skills dan pengalaman dgn syarikat oil n gas Petronas. Korang akan ade kelas 2 bulan, 6 bulan on job training. Dpt kerja dgn petronas ke x?bergantung kepada rezeki, masa OJT tu uols mintak la supervisor uols apply kan structure interview petronas utk korang..then, bile dh dpt interview, buat yg terbaik in shaa Allah dpt lah keje dgn petronas. Bergantung kat nasib, ade sesetengahnye, supervisor dorg x arrange kan pun interview, kesian lah. Tp jgn risau korang boleh usaha sendiri dgn cr lubang2 kwn2 korg yg attach kt klcc misalnye department HR and hantar resume kat dorang...ade yg buat mcm ni and alhamdulillah ada yg dpt. Sekian terima kasih.
salam,, hai nk tye,,, saya da selected utk 1st round utk program gees ni,,sekarang tgh tunggu final decision punya.. tp saya dh bekerja sebagai sales engineer,, masalahnye,,saya xsuKA TMPT KEJE SEKARANG,,LAGIPUN XDEVELOP SKILLS AS ENGINEER. andai kata saya terpilih untuk program ni,, patut tak saya pergi?
thaks for your info..sya still unemployed and nak grab je klo dapat pluang ni..hari tu dpt kol jugak but now xder ape2 cerita lg..kena tggu offer letter..really hope i'll be selected.. :-)
Salam... just nak tnye after 8 bulan join gees programme, kne go through interview mcm org lain yg nak apply keje kat petronas jugak or ade internal path or trus absorb n be permanent staff easily?
Blogger Unknown said...
Salam... just nak tnye after 8 bulan join gees programme, kne go through interview mcm org lain yg nak apply keje kat petronas jugak or ade internal path or trus absorb n be permanent staff easily?
(Jawapan: nope. hehe..jangan berharap sangat. Still kena interview mcm org luar. Cuma yg apply kan awak punye bos kat tempat attached tu. Klu bernasib baik lulus la..buat yg terbaik je dlm interview tu)
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