Alhamdulillah...dah seminggu lebih kat Bangi. It was a wonderful experience to be here

. I'm glad to be here, Allah give me this chance. The nice one. So, here we Petronas Leadership Centre Bangi, since 4th January, will be stay here for 1 month and a half for soft skills training, and follow by On-Job-Training for 6 months after that. Hehe..bak kate my facilitator Mr. Irhan, kalau u x gemok u bukan keje or training kt Petronas Leadership Centre (PLC)/Permata/PMTSB la..seriously, we were lucky got this opportunity.
kitorg stay kt Hostel like Hotel 4 stars along this 1 and half month

haaaaaaaaahaha...Heaven of food weh! Sedap nye la. Food menu macam kat hotel. Bayangkan kuat makan kat PLC. Every day makan banyak gile.. u know? We have 6 meals a day, 1 breakfast, 1 minum pagi, 1 lunch, 1 tea break, 1 dinner, 1 supper...So, now u can imagine what i'm gonna be for the next 1 month..keep smiling to my stomach ^_________________^
P/S: Kene makan puas2 kat sini untuk preparation 6 bulan akan datang. Sbb mase OJT nanti mesti xckup mkn , terkenang2 PLC =p